何雁詩帶囝囝返溫哥華見婆婆下跪斟茶 Asher著熊仔裝雪地留影凍齡何媽媽似少女
發佈時間:18:00 2023-01-30 HKT

另外,何雁詩亦發文分享一家人在溫哥華相聚的照片,更以英文留言說:「First family trip with baby Asher!Honestly it’s a handfullllll bringing a 8-month old across the globe but it’s so rewarding to see the parents and grandparents smile🥲 our family always love travelling together and after three long years we’ve finally been able to fly to Vancouver to see Fred’s side of the family❤️ a very meaningful trip indeed, last time we came we were still boyfriend-girlfriend, and now we are married with a child. Here’s to many more wonderful visits back to the beautiful British Columbia! 」
黃智賢公屋出身奮鬥多年住海景大屋 歐洲風裝潢廚房極寬敞仲有大露台
「順嫂」梁葆貞罕談亡父梁醒波當年到廣州探望崩潰痛哭 曾拒入TVB怕爸爸冇面