【趣味食譜】櫻花蝦苦瓜炒蛋 Scrambled Egg with Dried Sergestid Shrimps and Bitter Gourd

更新時間:22:22 2021-04-02
發佈時間:00:00 2021-04-01



苦瓜1個Bitter gourd 1 pc
蛋3隻Eggs 3 pcs
櫻花蝦2茶匙Dried sergestid shrimps 2 tsp
薑蓉2片Minced ginger 2 slices
雞汁2茶匙Concentrated chicken stock 2 tsp
油2茶匙Oil 2 tsp
鹽1茶匙Salt 1 tsp

Step 1:櫻花蝦用白鑊烘香。

Heat the sergestid shrimps in a dry pan until fragrant, set aside.

Step 2:將苦瓜洗淨及去籽,切成薄片,下鹽醃十分鐘。

Rinse and seed the bitter gourd, then slices. Add the salt and marinate for 10 minutes.

Step 3:將苦瓜汆水一分鐘,撈起。

Blanch the bitter gourd in boiling water for 1 minute. Remove.

Step 4:苦瓜用廚房紙吸乾水分,備用。

Pat dry the bitter gourd with kitchen towel, set aside.

Step 5:將雞蛋打散。鑊內燒熱油,炒香薑蓉。

Beat the eggs. Heat oil in a pan, stir-fry the minced ginger until fragrant.

Step 6:下苦瓜和雞汁炒一分鐘。

Add the bitter gourd and concentrated chicken stock, stir-fry for 1 minute.

Step 7:下蛋漿炒勻至凝固,上碟。

Pour in beaten egg, stir-fry until they are scrambled. Transfer to a plate.

Step 8:灑上櫻花蝦,即成。

Sprinkle with dried sergestid shrimps. Serve.


小貼士 Tips


To reduce the bitterness from bitter gourd, remove the seeds, marinate with salt and blanch in boiling water.



Celia Chan(陳詠雯)熱愛尋找美食,為實現夢想,她放棄高薪厚職的地產工作,創辦Cooking Fever,教授簡易美味菜式,推廣下廚樂趣。
