【579期 趣味食譜】蠔油冬菇蒸雞翼

更新時間:12:47 2021-06-30
發佈時間:00:00 2021-07-01


雞翼 1斤Chicken wings 1 catty
冬菇 4隻Shiitake mushrooms 4 pcs
葱 1棵Spring onion 1 stalk
薑 2至3片Ginger 2-3 slices
葱花 少許Chopped spring onion to sprinkle


米酒 1湯匙Rice wine 1 tbsp
蠔油 2湯匙Oyster sauce 2 tbsp
糖 1/4湯匙Sugar 1/4 tbsp
生粉 1/2茶匙Cornflour 1/2 tsp
麻油 1/2湯匙Sesame oil 1/2 tbsp


做法 Method
Step 1:雞翼斬開一半。Split the chicken wings in halves.

Step 2:冬菇以水浸軟後切塊。Soak the shiitake mushrooms in water until soft, then cut into pieces.

Step 3:葱切段。Cut the spring onion into sections.

Step 4:薑片切絲。Shred the ginger slices.

Step 5:雞翼加上薑、葱拌勻,再拌入所有調味料醃一小時。Mix the chicken wings with ginger and spring onion, stir in all seasoning and marinate for 1 hour.

Step 6:將冬菇拌入醃好的雞件內。Stir the shiitake mushroom into the marinated chicken wings.

Step 7:將雞件、冬菇平鋪碟內,蒸十五分鐘。Spread the chicken wings and shiitake mushroom over a dish and steam for 15minutes.

Step 8:飾上葱花,即成。Garnish with the choppedspring onion. Serve.

小貼士 Tips
急凍雞翼以粗鹽搓揉,洗淨後可除掉雪味。Rub the frozen chicken wings with coarse salt, and then rinse to remove the unpleasant odor.

文:Joanne Poon 圖:星島圖片庫

Joanne Poon(潘行莊)是By Joanne Stylish Baking烹飪學校的創辦人,擁有多年教授烹飪經驗及專業烘焙資歷,曾編著多本蛋糕甜品食譜。


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