【HKIRC獲邀出席APTLD84會議】2023年9月19-20日,HKIRC獲邀出席於南韓首爾的APTLD 84會議,並由HKIRC行政總裁黃家偉工程師代表參與其中的政策會議,商討有關各地ccTLD的規範與發展;而ICANN亞太區副總裁羅嘉榮先生亦有向與會者分享HKIRC與ICANN於今年7月初合作舉辦APAC DNS FORUM 活動的經驗,並鼓勵不同ccTLD在將來參與更多共同發展計劃,實現互利共贏。
【HKIRC was invited to attend APTLD 84 Conference】On 19-20 September 2023, HKIRC was invited to attend the APTLD 84 meeting in Seoul, South Korea, and was represented by Ir Wilson Wong, CEO of HKIRC, in the policy meeting to discuss the regulations and development of ccTLDs in various places; and ICANN Asia Pacific Vice President Mr Jia-rong Low also shared the experience of HKIRC and ICANN cooperating in organizing the APAC DNS FORUM event in early July this year, and encouraged different ccTLDs to participate in more common development plans in the future to achieve mutual benefit.
As this year marks the 25th anniversary of the establishment of APTLD. At the celebration, representatives of APTLD presented HKIRC with an appreciation award to commend and affirm HKIRC’s contributions to the Internet ecosystem in Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region over the years. HKIRC wish that APTLD can build on the past and open up the future, and continue to promote exchanges and cooperation between domain names and the Internet industry in the future.