又中又英|“Doesn’t strike me as” - Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

Did Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor really use a profanity at a press conference last week? When a Hong Kong friend sent me a short clip of her seemingly using a profanity I thought it was fake but other friends told me it was real. I watched it many times and it really did sound like she had used a Cantonese profanity. The clip of her apparently using a profanity went viral on the internet. Many people agree the chief executive is arrogant and often dresses down top officials during meetings but she doesn’t strike me as someone who would use foul language.
The word “profanity” means a swear word or bad language. Foul language also means bad language. If something goes viral on the internet it means it spreads very quickly. To dress down means to wear informal clothes. People who usually wear suits to go to work often dress down or wear informal clothes if they have to work on Saturdays. But to dress down can also mean to angrily scold someone. The expression “doesn’t strike me as” is used when you don’t think of someone in a particular way. I never thought of the chief executive as someone who would use bad language.
The Cantonese profanity the chief executive seemingly used is the same as the English swear word “f..k”. She used it when she became annoyed at mixing up some points she was explaining during the press conference. It is not unusual for top leaders to use swear words. US President Joe Biden did it last week when he didn’t know his mic was still on after a press conference. He said something very rude about a Fox News reporter who often asks him difficult questions. The profanity the chief executive used is common in Hong Kong but is newsworthy when a political leader uses it. Biden apologized to the reporter but the chief executive has remained silent about her apparent use of a swear word.
林鄭月娥上星期在記者會上,到底有沒有真的說了個粗口字(profanity)?當一位香港朋友傳來她似乎說了粗口(profanity)的短片時,我還以為是假的,但其他朋友卻告訴我那是千真萬確。我翻看了短片許多遍,聽起來她好像真的說了個廣東話粗口(profanity)。她明顯地爆粗(profanity)的短片在網上瘋傳(went viral)。許多人認為特首傲慢自負,常在會議期間訓斥(dresses down)高官,但她從沒有讓我覺得她像(doesn’t strike me as)一個會說粗言穢語(foul language)的人。
Profanity是指髒話, foul language同樣是指粗言穢語。若某事在網絡 goes viral,即是指它在網上瘋傳或爆紅。To dress down是指穿便裝;平日要穿套裝上班的人,若要在星期六上班,往往會 dress down,穿輕便的裝束去上班。但 to dress down也可以解作訓斥、數落某人。習語“doesn’t strike me as”是指你一直沒有想到某人會怎樣怎樣,我就從未想過特首是個會說髒話的人。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
The word “profanity” means a swear word or bad language. Foul language also means bad language. If something goes viral on the internet it means it spreads very quickly. To dress down means to wear informal clothes. People who usually wear suits to go to work often dress down or wear informal clothes if they have to work on Saturdays. But to dress down can also mean to angrily scold someone. The expression “doesn’t strike me as” is used when you don’t think of someone in a particular way. I never thought of the chief executive as someone who would use bad language.
The Cantonese profanity the chief executive seemingly used is the same as the English swear word “f..k”. She used it when she became annoyed at mixing up some points she was explaining during the press conference. It is not unusual for top leaders to use swear words. US President Joe Biden did it last week when he didn’t know his mic was still on after a press conference. He said something very rude about a Fox News reporter who often asks him difficult questions. The profanity the chief executive used is common in Hong Kong but is newsworthy when a political leader uses it. Biden apologized to the reporter but the chief executive has remained silent about her apparent use of a swear word.
林鄭月娥上星期在記者會上,到底有沒有真的說了個粗口字(profanity)?當一位香港朋友傳來她似乎說了粗口(profanity)的短片時,我還以為是假的,但其他朋友卻告訴我那是千真萬確。我翻看了短片許多遍,聽起來她好像真的說了個廣東話粗口(profanity)。她明顯地爆粗(profanity)的短片在網上瘋傳(went viral)。許多人認為特首傲慢自負,常在會議期間訓斥(dresses down)高官,但她從沒有讓我覺得她像(doesn’t strike me as)一個會說粗言穢語(foul language)的人。
Profanity是指髒話, foul language同樣是指粗言穢語。若某事在網絡 goes viral,即是指它在網上瘋傳或爆紅。To dress down是指穿便裝;平日要穿套裝上班的人,若要在星期六上班,往往會 dress down,穿輕便的裝束去上班。但 to dress down也可以解作訓斥、數落某人。習語“doesn’t strike me as”是指你一直沒有想到某人會怎樣怎樣,我就從未想過特首是個會說髒話的人。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
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