又中又英|Dynamic Zero Policy - Michael Chugani 褚簡寧

It saddens me to see Hong Kong's fifth wave of the pandemic, caused by Omicron, spread so exponentially. There are thousands of cases daily and many deaths, including children. Hong Kong was riding high just several months ago when it had zero cases for over 80 days. It seemed like the city had controlled the coronavirus. Now hospitals are so full they can no longer accept patients. Many who have tested positive for the virus are waiting to enter hospitals or isolation facilities. The word "exponentially" means to increase more and more quickly. If you are riding high it means you are very successful. Hong Kong was riding high, or successful, last year in controlling the pandemic.
But it is no longer riding high. Even though Omicron has infected thousands and killed many, Hong Kong still wants to keep its dynamic zero policy. It is a mainland term that even Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor could not explain when asked by reporters, yet she insisted on keeping the policy. It means to let life continue as normal but lock down entire cities once there is an outbreak. Will Hong Kong lock down an entire city? Forget about it. Even top government officials have said it is not possible. Locking down an entire city as the mainland often does cannot work in Hong Kong. How will the government provide daily meals for over seven million people in high-rise buildings?
The expression "forget about it" originated in New York where I now live. New York people say "Fuhgeddaboudit". This is not a real word but a New York slang word that sounds like "forget about it". There are several meanings and pronunciations for this expression. In this case it means forget about locking down Hong Kong. You can hear my pronunciation on Popnews. Unlike mainland China, which can use authoritarian rule to lock down cities, Hong Kong people live in overcrowded high-rise buildings where feeding people during mainland-style lockdowns is impossible.
見到Omicron在香港引起的第五波疫情,呈幾何級數地(exponentially)擴散,令我很難過。香港現在每天有數以千計的確診及許多死亡個案,當中也有小童病逝。才不過幾個月前,香港還是很成功(riding high),有超過八十天零確診,當時看來這個城市已能控制到新冠肺炎疫情。可到現在,醫院爆滿得未能再接受新病患,許多新冠病毒檢測呈陽性的人都在等着入院或等進隔離中心。Exponentially是指以倍數地增加。若你是riding high,即是指你大獲成功、得意洋洋。香港上年在控制疫情上是 riding high,相當成功。
不過,香港不再控疫成功(riding high),即使Omicron已感染數以千計的人,也導致許多人死亡,香港仍然想繼續其動態清零(dynamic zero)政策。這是一個內地用詞,即使特首林鄭月娥被記者問及這個詞時,也不能解釋清楚,她卻堅持繼續這個措施。這意味着生活如常,一旦爆發疫情,就要封閉所有城市。香港會封閉整個城市嗎?算了吧!(Forget about it.)就連政府高官也說這是不可能的。像內地常做的那樣去封鎖整個城市,在香港是行不通的。政府如何為全港高樓大廈內住逾七百萬人提供每日三餐?
習語 "forget about it" 來自我現居的紐約,紐約人會說成 "Fuhgeddaboudit",這當然不是真正的字,只是一個紐約俚語,跟 "forget about it" 發音很相近。這個習語有幾個意思跟幾個發音,在這裏是指忘了香港封城這回事吧,想都不用想了。你可以在Popnews上聽到我的讀音。香港不像中國內地可以用專制管治去封城,香港人住在密集擠逼的高樓大廈內,要在內地式封城期間送餐養活這許多人,根本辦不到。中譯:七刻
[email protected]
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
But it is no longer riding high. Even though Omicron has infected thousands and killed many, Hong Kong still wants to keep its dynamic zero policy. It is a mainland term that even Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor could not explain when asked by reporters, yet she insisted on keeping the policy. It means to let life continue as normal but lock down entire cities once there is an outbreak. Will Hong Kong lock down an entire city? Forget about it. Even top government officials have said it is not possible. Locking down an entire city as the mainland often does cannot work in Hong Kong. How will the government provide daily meals for over seven million people in high-rise buildings?
The expression "forget about it" originated in New York where I now live. New York people say "Fuhgeddaboudit". This is not a real word but a New York slang word that sounds like "forget about it". There are several meanings and pronunciations for this expression. In this case it means forget about locking down Hong Kong. You can hear my pronunciation on Popnews. Unlike mainland China, which can use authoritarian rule to lock down cities, Hong Kong people live in overcrowded high-rise buildings where feeding people during mainland-style lockdowns is impossible.
見到Omicron在香港引起的第五波疫情,呈幾何級數地(exponentially)擴散,令我很難過。香港現在每天有數以千計的確診及許多死亡個案,當中也有小童病逝。才不過幾個月前,香港還是很成功(riding high),有超過八十天零確診,當時看來這個城市已能控制到新冠肺炎疫情。可到現在,醫院爆滿得未能再接受新病患,許多新冠病毒檢測呈陽性的人都在等着入院或等進隔離中心。Exponentially是指以倍數地增加。若你是riding high,即是指你大獲成功、得意洋洋。香港上年在控制疫情上是 riding high,相當成功。
不過,香港不再控疫成功(riding high),即使Omicron已感染數以千計的人,也導致許多人死亡,香港仍然想繼續其動態清零(dynamic zero)政策。這是一個內地用詞,即使特首林鄭月娥被記者問及這個詞時,也不能解釋清楚,她卻堅持繼續這個措施。這意味着生活如常,一旦爆發疫情,就要封閉所有城市。香港會封閉整個城市嗎?算了吧!(Forget about it.)就連政府高官也說這是不可能的。像內地常做的那樣去封鎖整個城市,在香港是行不通的。政府如何為全港高樓大廈內住逾七百萬人提供每日三餐?
習語 "forget about it" 來自我現居的紐約,紐約人會說成 "Fuhgeddaboudit",這當然不是真正的字,只是一個紐約俚語,跟 "forget about it" 發音很相近。這個習語有幾個意思跟幾個發音,在這裏是指忘了香港封城這回事吧,想都不用想了。你可以在Popnews上聽到我的讀音。香港不像中國內地可以用專制管治去封城,香港人住在密集擠逼的高樓大廈內,要在內地式封城期間送餐養活這許多人,根本辦不到。中譯:七刻
[email protected]
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧