湯水篇|移山蔘竹絲雞螺頭玉竹湯|補元氣 强身 病後調理|附英文食譜
份量serving : 4 人ppl
烹調時間cooking time : 2小時 (hrs)
30g 移山蔘 transplant wild ginseng
1 隻 (ea) 竹絲雞 Silkie Chicken
310g 豬𦟌骨 pork shank bone
30g 海玉竹頭 Dried Yuzhu Head
33g 南非乾紅螺頭 South African dry conch
1/3pc 陳皮tangerine
3000 ml 清水 water
功效 :
invigorating deficiency, invigorating qi and strengthening the body, replenishing vitality, nourishing the five internal organs, invigorating the spleen and benefiting the lungs, promoting body fluid and quenching thirst, beauty, preventing hair loss, loss of appetite, calming the spirit, nourishing the mind and soothing the mind, Set the soul, stop panic, puzzle brain, preventing forgetfulness and insomnia,
1. 沖洗豬𦟌骨、竹絲雞、海玉竹頭、南非乾紅螺頭。
Rinse pork shank bones, silkie Chicken, dried yuzhu head and red conch.
Red conch and dried yuzhu head soak in water.
Put pork shank bone and Silkie Chicken in boiling water, until the dirt is out.
2. 海玉竹頭切段,移山蔘切片或原條。
Cut the dried yuzhu head Sea into parts.
Slide Transplant wild ginseng or whole piece for use.
3. 3000 ml清水中,放入移山蔘、海玉竹、紅螺頭、陳皮。轉大火。
Add transplanted wild ginseng, dried Yuzhu head, and red conch into 3000ml water.
Turn to high heat.
4. 水沸騰後,放入豬𦟌骨、竹絲雞。轉中火煮60分鐘。
Add the pork shank bones, and silkie Chicken after boiling. Then turn to med heat and cook 15 minutes.
5. 然後轉小火,再煮25分鐘。
Turn to low heat and cook 80 minutes more.
6. 關火後,留煲內一會兒。
Please leave it in the pot for a while after it is finished.