
今天做的菜式叫 《五色菜脯絲》Five-color Dish Vegan Bell Pepper & Corn Cob & Purple onion & Dried Radish & Egg

材料有 : 辣椒 ( 彩椒 )紫洋蔥、雞蛋、菜脯 (蘿蔔絲) 、珍珠筍 (粟米蕊)這是一個素菜,如想加肉的話,可以把粟米筍改為肉絲。



For 1-2 people

材料ingredients :

38g 紅椒  Red Bell Pepper

52g 珍珠筍 (粟米蕊) corn cob

35g 紫洋蔥Purple onion

43g 菜脯 (蘿蔔絲) Dried Radish

1隻ea 雞蛋 egg

5 塊pc 薑片 sliced ginger

1 粒 ea蒜頭 garlic

少許QS 生抽 Soy sauce

少許 QS清水 Water

少許 QS 粟粉 Corn starch

法Method :

1. 沖洗菜脯 (蘿蔔絲),浸泡15分鐘後,切絲。


Wash the Dried Radish, soak it 15mins. Cut into slide.

Low to med heat, without any oil, dry it in wok.

2. 珍珠筍 (粟米蕊), 每條切半或4份。

corn cob cut into half or cut into 4 parts.

3. 紅椒 、紫洋蔥,切絲,屳水。

Cut the Red Bell Pepper and Purple onion into sliced. And blanch them.

4. 雞蛋加入少許生油、鹽,打散。煎香後切絲。

Add QS soy sauce and salt in the egg. And whip it.

5. 中火,爆香薑片、蒜頭。

加入紫洋蔥、紅椒 、珍珠筍,轉中大火。

Turn to med heat, fry the sliced ginger and garlic.

Then add the Purple onion, Red Bell Pepper and corn cob. Turn to med-high heat.

6. 再加入菜脯、適量生抽、獻汁 (粟粉加水),燒至沸騰。

Add the Dried Radish, Qs soy sauce, corn starch and water.

Cook it until boiling.

7. 最後加入雞蛋絲,炒勻後,可上碟。

Add the egg. Stir-frying. And finish
