湯水篇|魚腥草 蘋果 豬肉眼湯 清熱解毒 止咳化痰|有片
份量 Serving: 3人Ppl
烹調時間 Cooking time : 1小時
適宜人群 :
Suitable for the crowd:
the general population can eat
不宜服食 :
Those who should not take it:
Deficiency of the constitution, during women's menstruation, eating too much can cause asthma
材料 Ingredients :
240g 魚腥草 Herba Houttuyniae
3 個 (ea) 紅/青蘋果 Red or green apples
269g 豬肉眼 Pork Rib
1/3片 (pc) 陳皮 Tangerine
2250 ml 清水 water
做法 Method:
1. 沖洗魚腥草,至鬚根沖走。 (大約共7次) 折斷成段狀。
Wash the Herba Houttuynia until the fibrous roots are away (wash about 7 times). Then
Break it into segments
2. 豬肉眼汆水。
boiled the Pork eye until the dirt out
3. 用鹽清洗紅/青蘋果,去核,一開4份。用清水浸泡。
Wash the red/green apples with salt. Remove the seeds and cut it into 4 parts.
Soak the sliced apples in water.
4. 2250 ml清水沸騰後,轉大火,放入豬肉煲5分鐘。
Boil the 2250ml water. Then turn to high heat, and put the pork in.
Cook it for 5 minutes
5. 5分鐘後,轉中火,放入紅青蘋果。
Turn to med heat after 5 minutes. Put the sliced red/green apples in the boiling water.
6. 40分鐘後加入魚腥草,轉小火。
After 40 minutes, add Herba Houttuyniae. Turn to low heat
7. 再煮10分鐘後關火
Turn off the fire after 10 minutes of cooking step 6.