識煮食譜|星級大廚三姐示範滑蛋午餐肉炒河粉 罐頭大變身
發佈時間:14:00 2022-08-04
Stir-fried Falt Rice Noodles with Luncheon Meat and Eggs
分量:2人份 需時:30分鐘
午餐肉 1罐
生粉 少許
雞蛋 5隻
河粉 半斤
肥仔芽菜 4両
西芹絲 1條
韭黃 1両
生抽 1湯匙
老抽 適量
鹽 適量
油 適量
Luncheon meat 1 can
Cornstarch a little
Eggs 5 pieces
Flat rice noodles 1/2 catty
Thick mung bean sprouts 4 taels
Shredded celery 1 shred
Yellow chives 1 tael
Soy sauce 1 tbsp
Dark soy sauce enough
Salt to taste
Oil some
1. 午餐肉切粒,加生粉拌勻,起油鑊將午餐肉半煎炸至脆口。將雞蛋打入大碗內,加少許鹽備用。
Dice the luncheon meat and mix it with cornstarch. Heat oil in a wok, half-fry the luncheon meat dices until crispy. Break the eggs in a big bowl, add a little salt, set aside.
2. 將河粉逐條撕開,加入油鑊中下少許鹽炒至焦香,加芽菜炒勻。
Separate the flat rice noodles, then add to a preheated wok with oil. Stir-fry the flat rice noodles with a little salt until fragrant, add thick mung bean sprouts, mix well.
3. 下生抽炒出香味,加混合少許水的老抽炒勻。
Drizzle with soy sauce, stir-fry until aroma releases. Dilute the dark soy sauce with a little water, then add to the noodles and mix well.
4. 加韭王炒勻上碟。
Add yellow chives, stir well and dish up.
5. 另起油鑊,下汆過水的西芹絲、午餐肉及雞蛋,快手炒勻後
Heat oil in a clean wok, add blanched celery shreds, luncheon meat dices and eggs. Stir well the mixture quickly.
6. 淋在河粉面。
Pour the luncheon meat dices and eggs on the flat rice noodles.
Tips:Separate the flat rice noodles before cooking for a better texture.