陳東紅 - sympathy , empathy, compassion|芽芽學英語
發佈時間:12:08 2024-07-22 HKT

讓我們看看多個例句去了解這3個字:「sympathy」可以這樣用:I had great sympathy for the victims. / I have no sympathy for him because I think he deserves it. / You could show some sympathy. / I told my sister what had happened but I didn't get much sympathy. / He showed no sympathy for my feelings。
「Empathy」呢?可以這樣用:He has a total lack of empathy for anybody. / She was generous, friendly and showed grate empathy. / She had a deep empathy with animals. / She shows a lack of empathy for other people's situations. 。
上周說到「compassion」,它不只是包括了「sympathy」與「empathy」,還包括一份慈愛心,願意和渴望用行動來減輕或消除他人的痛苦。「compassion」可以這樣用:I survived. Someone or something had had compassion on me. / The old people are treated with great compassion in this town. / He had no pity, no compassion, no understanding of what the victims of war suffered. / At home, she was always taught that compassion and understanding came before judgment. 。