DSE備戰英文科|社論學英文—勿小覷演唱會經濟 拉動娛樂旅遊消費
發佈時間:14:00 2024-03-17 HKT

勿小覷演唱會經濟 拉動娛樂旅遊消費
盛事經濟涵蓋大型國際會議、大型賽事、大型表演和活動等,但官員往往將重心放在大型金融論壇和展覽會上,爭取更多跨國企業高管和高端客戶群參與,而對大型娛樂盛事卻未必太看重。事實上,疫後不少城市大力推動演唱會經濟,更視之為經濟復甦的動力,以吸收報復式消費所帶來的商機,而美國樂壇天后Taylor Swift去年舉行的世界巡迴演唱會一票難求,正是最佳佐證。
Taylor Swift去年在世界多地舉辦逾60場演唱會,售出435萬張門票,賺取10.4億美元之餘,她所到之處,吸引不少國際歌迷遠道而來,為當地酒店、旅遊、餐飲及零售業帶來可觀收入。有調查顯示,單是在美國的巡迴演唱會,已為美國創造46億美元收入,而每位入場觀眾平均消費1300美元。
身兼行政會議召集人的葉劉淑儀,昨天在立法會提出口頭質詢時,對Taylor Swift去年亞洲之行只選了在日本和新加坡開個唱,香港錯失機會,質問政府今後會否積極爭取這類頂級藝人。文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄回應,演唱會主辦方是否來港舉辦屬商業決定,誰來誰不來,交由市場主導。
據悉,香港演唱會主辦方得悉Taylor Swift來亞洲,眼看有商機曾一邊與對方洽談,另一邊試圖聯繫可容納4萬觀眾的香港大球場,查詢檔期,大球場回應並不積極,甚至顯得官僚,結果讓國際巨星來港表演失諸交臂。再加上新加坡豁免場租及給予補貼,令Taylor Swift最終選擇在新加坡開個唱。
Don't underestimate concert economy, boost music tourism
Hong Kong's post-pandemic recovery has not been as good as expected. Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu has recently proposed promotion of event economy, hoping to attract more tourists by organizing large-scale events and create a driving force. He will be discussing with Legco members in today's Chief Executive's Interactive Exchange Question and Answer Session. A legislator yesterday complained about the passive attitude of officials in soliciting international singers to hold concerts in Hong Kong, saying that the city was only missing out on opportunities. Neighbouring regions are actively promoting concert economy, so if the government clings to the old mindset without taking the initiative, it will not be able to compete with rivals even when venues have been expanded.
Change mindset and be proactive
Event economy covers major international conferences, tournaments, performances, activities, etc. However, officials focus on big financial forums and exhibitions that draw executives of multinational corporations and high-end customers, probably neglecting large entertainment events. In fact, many cities have been vigorously promoting concert economy after the pandemic, taking it as a driving force for recovery to grab business opportunities brought by revenge spending, best evidenced by American pop superstar Taylor Swift's sold-out world tour last year.
Swift held over 60 concerts around the world selling 4.35 million tickets and earning US$1.04 billion. Her global fans generated considerable revenues for local hotel, tourism, catering & retail businesses. According to a survey, her US concert tour alone generated US$4.6 billion in revenue for the country with an average spending of US$1,300 per concertgoer.
At the Legco yesterday, Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, who is also the convenor of the Executive Council, asked whether the government would actively attract such top artists in the future, given that Swift only held concerts in Japan and Singapore during her Asia tour. Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism Kevin Yeung Yun-hung replied that entertainment events "operate on commercial principles" and are market directed.
It is said that when the Hong Kong concert organizer learnt about Swift coming to Asia, it negotiated with the party concerned while enquiring with the Hong Kong Stadium, which has a capacity of 40,000 spectators. The response, however, was lukewarm and even bureaucratic ending up in an opportunity lost. Singapore, moreover, waived the rental fee and provided subsidies, so she finally chose the city.
Hong Kong is obviously at a disadvantage in terms of venue hardware, but hopefully there will be a change in the second half of this year, because the new Kai Tak Sports Park can accommodate 50,000 spectators. Hong Kong will then have a large venue comparable to that of Singapore as well as greater incentives to attract international popstars.
However, upgrading hardware is not enough. There must be supportive policies. In fact, since 2000, Singapore has been striving to become an events and entertainment capital of Asia. In addition to the construction of large performance venues, it has introduced policies that favour international superstars and set up a fund to provide subsidies when necessary. The years of hard work finally paid off. Another example is Kaohsiung, a city of Taiwan. The municipal government did its best to meet the demands of popstars, including comprehensive transportation facilities and the Kaohsiung National Stadium with a capacity of 45,000 audience. Bands such as BLACKPINK and Coldplay, therefore, held their performances there last year. More than 117 concerts were held with a total of 1.39 million concertgoers and over NT$4.5 billion (HK$1.1 billion) in revenue. Local stores even extended their business hours to 4:00 am.
Proper transportation and ticket allocation
So, if the government wants to give full play to event economy, officials must not underestimate the spending power brought by concerts. They should change their mindset and adopt the same mentality as that of organizing international financial forums by proactively inviting global singers and allocating tickets to local, overseas and mainland fans. Meanwhile, it is necessary to prepare for a rainy day by improving ancillary facilities such as Kai Tak transportation and night markets for supper, so that fans will have a good experience after a concert and stay overnight, bringing greater benefits.
- solicit (v) —— 招攬
- cling (v) —— 依附
- mindset (n) —— 思維
- evidenced (adj) —— 獲證實的
- convenor (n) —— 召集人
- lukewarm (adj) —— 冷淡的
- bureaucratic (adj) —— 官僚的
- incentive (n) —— 誘因
Useful Terms
- event economy —— 盛事經濟
- passive attitude —— 被動態度
- revenge spending —— 報復式消費
- ancillary facility —— 附加設施
Did you know?
Executive Council convenor Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee asked whether the government would consider providing a dedicated fund or expanding the Mega Arts and Cultural Events Fund to cover concerts, saying many cities around the world had hosted world tour concerts by renowned singers, attracting global fans and stimulating their tourism, retail and catering industries.
- The word _____ in the first paragraph is the opposite of "proactive".
- Many cities are already vigorously promoting _____ economy after the pandemic for recovery.
- In the passage, the word _____ means "uninterested".
- Supportive policies are needed in addition to _____ upgrades.
- According to the last paragraph, _____ facilities such as night markets must be improved.
- passive
- concert
- lukewarm
- hardware
- ancillary