關於「as …. as」的比較句型|IELTS 英文寫作攻略秘笈
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有位同學問我能否剖析在 IELTS Reading 閱讀理解補充練習課文內出現的英文句子的結構。
But they may be as far from the physical limits of thought as our eyes are from the incredibly powerful Webb Space Telescope.
大家應該留意到在這句有兩個 as。
But they may be as far from the physical limits of thought as our eyes are from the incredibly powerful Webb Space Telescope.
這是一句「as …. as」的比較句型 (comparative),常用於表示兩個人物、兩件物件或兩件事情是一樣,但同學要謹記,前面的 as 是 adverb,而後面那個 as 是連接詞(conjunction),或更為準確的名稱是從屬連接詞。
第一種句型是:as +形容詞+ as
例句 1:The weather this summer is as bad as last year (今年夏天的天氣和去年一樣差)。
第二種句型是:as + 副詞 + as
例句 2:Glenn can run as fast as Joseph (Glenn 能夠跑得和 Joseph 一樣快)。(fast 是 adjective,也是 adverb。)
例句 1,「as +形容詞+ as」這類 adjective 夾在 as 和 as 的中間的句型是使用所謂 linking verb,如 is、are、am、look、appear、become 和 taste 等。
例句 2,Joseph 後面其實隱藏了 can run,即 Glenn can run as fast as Joseph can run,但在英語,大家不需把 can run 寫出來。這種省略寫法在英語文法上是叫做 ellipsis,所以在這句 This car is as expensive as that car,在 that car 後面原來有 is expensive,只是以英語為母語的人士不會說或寫出來的。

這句子中,在第二個 as 後面原來是S + V + C 結構的子句 (clause),因此佔了 S 位置的必定是主語 (subject),不能是受語 (object),口語英文除外,所以正體書寫英文不會出現:He is as tall as me,而是 He is as tall as I。「I」是 subject pronoun。換句話說,在後面一個 as 的後面可以是 clause,因為與我在上面指出,第二個 as 是conjunction,而在這個情況下,只接 clause。
例句 3:Football is not as popular as it was a decade ago。「when she was twenty years old」就是clause。
但當然還有許多組織上的變化,例如在首個 as 後面可以是 phrase。
例句 4:Tom is as interested in music as Shirley。在這句裡,「interested in music」就是 phrase。
再看學生提出的那句「But they may be as far from the physical limits of thought as our eyes are from the incredibly powerful Webb Space Telescope」,它的句子結構其實就是 they may be as X as Y,X 是 phrase (片語)「far from the physical limits of thought 」,Y 很明顯是子句「our eyes are from the incredibly powerful Webb Space Telescope」,因為符合 S + V + C 的句子結構條件。換言之,「as …. as」的比較型句子的組織結構彈性頗高,在前面的 as 可以用上片語 (phrase)或在後面的 as 後面還可以加入子句 (clause)。試看下面兩句例句。
同學如果能夠明白到創造「as …. as」的比較型句子的空間原來可以很廣闊,便可以在 IELTS 考試中嘗試採用較複雜的比較型句子,以爭取較高 band score。
Glenn looks as young as when she was twenty years old. 哪一部份是 clause 呢?

文:Scott Cheng
香港大學比較文學系畢業,資深公關從業員,擁有豐富撰寫文稿的專業經驗,現於HKU SPACE兼職教授公關及企業傳訊深造文憑課程高級企業傳訊寫作。
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