文憑試|DSE英文科寫作 10句必學萬用百搭句式

更新時間:17:41 2023-10-06
發佈時間:17:41 2023-10-06

DSE英文寫作百搭句式|1. pin down the reasons

例句:"We need to pin down the reasons why sales have been declining."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|2. make the first step

例句: "If you want to achieve your goals, you have to make the first step."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|3. xxx is/are in stark contrast with yyy
指xxx 和 yyy 有明顯分別,可用作比較、對比。

例句: "The peaceful countryside is in stark contrast with the bustling city."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|4. Bursting onto the scene
可以解作「突然出現 / 爆紅」。

例句:"The new singer is bursting onto the scene with her debut album."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|5. Imagine what/ how 
意思是「試想像」,適用於Speech/ blog,可用於引言的入戲句。

例句:"Imagine how much easier life would be if we had teleportation technology."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|6. What springs to mind when you think of xxx? 
意思是「提起xxx你會想到甚麼?」適用於Speech/ blog,可用於引言的入戲句。

例句: "What springs to mind when you think of summertime?"


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|7. It is high time
意思是「是時候」,後面動詞用past tense,叫某人/組織take action。
例句:“It is high time that we started taking action to address climate change.”


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|8. Add fuels to
例句:"When you gossip about someone, it just adds fuel to the fire of their problems."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|9. It is crucial, if not vital to…
例句:“It is crucial, if not vital, that we address climate change before it's too late."


DSE英文寫作百搭句式|10. Under the circumstances that 
例句:"Under the circumstances that we are short on time, we'll have to prioritize our tasks."

撰文:Spencer Sir
港大一級榮譽畢業,在學期間獲11份獎學金,曾任國際銀行MT,歷年來教授過5000名學生,早前獲香港青年協會邀請擔任2020-2021 DSE工作坊講者。
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