更新時間:00:00 2022-06-02 HKT
發佈時間:00:00 2022-06-02 HKT
發佈時間:00:00 2022-06-02 HKT

材料 | Ingredients |
大蝦 8隻 | Prawns 8 pieces |
粉絲 1紮 | Vermicelli 1 pack |
乾蔥 2粒 | Shallot 2 pieces |
薑 2至3片 | Ginger 2-3 slices |
芫荽 2棵 | Coriander 2 stalks |
紹興酒 1湯匙 | Shaoxing wine 1 tbsp |
水/雞湯 100至150毫升 | Water/chicken broth 100-150ml |
油 2湯匙 | Oil 2 tbsp |
葱 適量 | Spring onion some |
調味料 | Seasoning |
湖南青辣椒酸辣蒜蓉醬 2湯匙 | Hunan green chili sour and spicy sauce 2 tbsp |
老抽 1/2茶匙 | Dark soy sauce 1/2 tsp |
糖 1茶匙 | Sugar 1 tsp |
鹽 半茶匙 | Salt 1/2 tsp |
做法 Method

Step 1: 粉絲用水浸軟,瀝乾備用。大蝦洗淨。 Soak the vermicelli in water until soft, drain and set aside. Wash the prawns.

Step 2: 剪去蝦腳、蝦鬚、蝦頭尖位,用牙籤挑去蝦腸,抹乾備用。Trim off the legs, antennae and the sharp part of the head. Use a toothpick to remove the vein. Pat dry and set aside.

Step 3: 乾葱切半。芫荽切段,芫荽莖留用。 Halve the shallot. Cut the coriander into sections, reserve the root.

Step 4: 鍋內以中大火燒熱油,加乾蔥、薑和芫荽莖炒香。 Heat oil in a pot over mediumhigh heat, add the shallot, ginger and coriander roots, fry until fragrant.

Step 5: 加大蝦煎至半熟,灒濃紹興酒。 Add the prawns and fry until half-cooked. Drizzle with Shaoxing wine.

Step 6: 下粉絲、湖南青辣椒酸辣蒜蓉醬、老抽、糖、鹽和水炒勻。 Add the vermicelli, Hunan green chili sour and spicy sauce, dark soy sauce, sugar, salt and water, stir well.

Step 7: 蓋上煲蓋,煮至收汁(約三分鐘)。 Cover the pot with a lid, cook until the sauce has thickened (about 3 minutes).

Step 8: 灑上芫荽和葱,即成。 Sprinkle with coriander and spring onion, serve.
文:Celia Chan 陳詠雯(熱愛尋找美食,為實現夢想,她放棄高薪厚職的地產工作,創辦Cooking Fever,教授簡易美味菜式,推廣下廚樂趣。)
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