
更新時間:00:00 2024-12-17 HKT
發佈時間:00:00 2024-12-17 HKT

Rome is one of my favourite cities. I love its many historical landmarks and monuments, such as the Trevi Fountain and the Colosseum. I always go to the Colosseum, built in AD 80, when I visit Rome. I last went there in 2018 during a Mediterranean cruise. Visiting the Colosseum always reminds me of the 2000 movie Gladiator. It won five Oscars, including for Best Picture and Best Actor. I have seen Gladiator four times! I first saw it in Seattle, where I was living, when the movie came out.

Gladiators are men trained to fight other men and wild animals. They fought until one side died. Gladiators fought in Rome's Colosseum when it opened in AD 80 to AD 438. That's why the movie Gladiator, which focuses on fighting in the Colosseum, is full of blood and guts. The expression “blood and guts” means full of extreme violence and blood. I don’t normally like blood and guts movies, but Gladiator has a good plot and excellent cast. I am now in Taipei and went to see Gladiator II, the sequel of Gladiator, last week. It has even more blood and guts but is an excellent movie.

The movie is two hours and 28 minutes long. I had an adrenaline rush throughout the movie. Adrenaline is a hormone the body produces when people are excited or scared. An adrenaline rush is a sudden release of adrenaline into the bloodstream, causing great excitement. Ridley Scott, who directed both movies, plans to direct a third Gladiator movie. It took 24 years for Gladiator II to come out. I hope it won’t take that long for Scott to make Gladiator III.


Gladiators是角鬥士,接受訓練來跟其他男人或野獸搏鬥。他們會搏鬥至其中一方戰死。羅馬鬥獸場於公元80年至438年開放期間,角鬥士(gladiators)就在那裏搏鬥。因此,聚焦在鬥獸場內殊死搏鬥的電影《帝國驕雄》(Gladiator),是充滿 blood and guts——習語 blood and guts是指野蠻和血腥。我通常不喜歡野蠻與血腥(blood and guts)的電影,但《帝國驕雄》有很好的劇情和優秀的演員。我現在身處台北,上星期去了看《帝國驕雄II》,就是《帝國驕雄》的續集。它更加血腥暴力(blood and guts),但仍是一套優秀的電影。

電影片長2小時28分鐘。我看電影時,一直在分泌大量腎上腺素(adrenaline rush)。 Adrenaline是腎上腺素,是當人們感到興奮或驚慌之時,身體所分泌出來的荷爾蒙。 An adrenaline rush就是突然大量分泌腎上腺素(adrenaline)至血液中,導致極大的興奮。執導這兩套電影的是列尼‧史葛,他正在計劃執導第三齣《帝國驕雄》(Gladiator)。《帝國驕雄II》(Gladiator II)也經過了24年才能面世,我希望史葛製作《帝國驕雄III》,不用這麼久的時間吧。

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Michael Chugani褚簡寧