又中又英|A leopard can’t change its spots

When I read recent media reports about a taxi driver trying to overcharge a Taiwanese tourist, I told myself I have seen this movie before. The expression “I have seen this movie before” used this way does not mean I have already seen a particular movie. It means I have seen something like this happen before. The driver tried to charge the tourist $380 to go from The Peak to Central. The normal fare is about $80. Hong Kong’s taxi drivers are known for fleecing (overcharging) tourists. The taxi industry has promised many times to discipline dishonest drivers, but a leopard can’t change its spots.

The expression “a leopard can’t change its spots” is used to describe people who can’t change their bad habits even if they pretend to. The driver’s dishonesty happened at a time when the taxi industry was threatening a five-day strike unless the government shut down ride-hailing services such as Uber. That’s laughable. Taxi drivers need to ask themselves why Uber is so popular in Hong Kong even though it costs more. Uber drivers are polite, their vehicles are clean, they are easy to book, and they don’t refuse short rides like taxi drivers.

Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu was right when he warned drivers the public would not support a strike. The taxi industry has had a free ride for too long. A free ride used this way does not mean a free taxi ride. It means benefitting without doing anything to deserve it. Drivers called off the strike after the government promised to regulate ride-hailing services. The government needs to remember Uber is high-tech and popular wherever operates.

當我讀到最近有傳媒報道,一個的士司機濫收一位台灣遊客的車資,我告訴自己I have seen this movie before——習語 I have seen this movie before在這裏不是說我已經看過了某齣電影,它是指我見過類似的事情發生。該名司機嘗試向遊客索取三百八十元,由山頂駛至中環,但一般的車資不過約八十元。香港的的士司機出了名會敲詐(fleecing)遊客。的士業界承諾了許多遍,會督責懲罰那些不誠實的司機,但 a leopard can’t change its spots。

習語 a leopard can’t change its spots是指江山易改,本性難移,形容人們要改掉壞習慣不是那麼容易,即使他們佯裝會改。當的士業界威脅要罷駛五天,除非政府取締Uber這類叫車服務,司機的不誠實又再一次展現。真是可笑。的士司機需要問自己,為何即使Uber車資更昂貴,它在香港仍是這麼受歡迎。Uber司機有禮,車輛整潔,容易預約,也不會像的士那樣拒絕短途車程。

行政長官李家超警告的士司機,公眾不會支持的士罷駛,他是對的。的士業界「搭便車」(a free ride)已經搭得太久了。A free ride在這裏不是指免費的的士車程,它是指不勞而獲,沒有做過甚麼事卻白白得到一些利益。當政府承諾會規範叫車服務時,司機們便叫停了罷駛行動。政府需要謹記,Uber經營之處,總是高科技又受歡迎的。

[email protected]
Michael Chugani褚簡寧
