Mrs Fields | 菲爾斯曲奇 | 美式軟曲奇 | Soft Cookie |此生必吃曲奇

眾多曲奇中 對美式軟曲奇情有獨鍾

特別是Mrs Fields曲奇

香香甜甜 口感煙韌且帶點嚼勁

這次自家製作可以吃個夠 十分滿足~


蛋Egg 1隻/pcs

無鹽牛油 Unsalted Butter120克/g

稀有糖 Rare Sugar 35克/g

(砂糖 Sugar 50克/g)

黑糖 Dark Brown Sugar110克/g

中筋麵粉 All Purpose Flour 230克/g

入爐黑朱古力粒  110克

Dark Baking Chocolate Chips 110/g

泡打粉 Baking Powder  3克/g

梳打粉 Soda Powder 3克/g

雲呢拿香油 Vanilla Extract 1 茶匙/Tsp  


1. 製作前先把無鹽牛油室溫放軟。

2. 把無鹽牛油、黑糖、稀有糖(砂糖)攪拌均勻。

3. 加入蛋和雲呢拿香油,攪拌均勻。

4. 篩入中筋麵粉、泡打粉、梳打粉,拌勻,沒有看見白色的粉粒即停。

5. 最後加入入爐黑朱古力粒,拌至分佈均勻即可。

6. 用手把曲奇糊搓至乒乓球大小

7. 預熱180°C焗爐,焗10-12分鐘(實際時間按焗爐火力而定)。

8. 取出曲奇並放涼,即成。



1. Let unsalted butter soften at room temperature before making.

2. Stir unsalted butter, dark brown sugar, and Rare sugar (sugar) evenly.

3. Add egg and vanilla extract, mix well.

4. Sift in all-purpose flour, baking powder, and soda powder, mix well, stop when no white powder is seen.

5. Finally add the baking chocolate chips and mix until evenly distributed.

6. Use your hands to roll the cookie dough to the size of a ping pong ball

7. Preheat the oven at 180°C for 10-12 minutes (the actual time depends on the performance of the oven).

8.Take out the cookie and let cool. Serve.

(The cookie will be soft after baking, but this is its characteristic, don't worry about it being undercooked, it will harden a little after cooling)




