朱古力夾心古早蛋糕 Chcolate Filling Castella Cake





這刻發覺 會做蛋糕真好~


模具大小:邊長16厘米 X 高7厘米         

                     W: 16cm X H: 7cm

蛋Egg  7隻/pcs

糖 Sugar   70克/g

中筋麵粉 All Purpose Flour  100克/g

可可粉 Coco Powder  15克/g

粟粉 Corn Powder  10克/g

鮮奶 Milk  90克/g

菜油 Vegan Oil  90克/g

入爐黑朱古力粒 Dark Baking Chocolate Chips  適量/few

甜朱古力 Sweet Chocolate  50克/g


1. 把甜朱古力削成細條狀,冷藏,備用。

2. 把菜油加熱至約80-90度。

3. 篩入中筋麵粉和粟粉並拌勻,之後再篩入可可粉並攪勻。

4. 加入蛋黃、鮮奶並攪勻,放在一旁備用。

5. 糖分3次加入蛋白,打發至中性發泡。把三分一蛋白與步驟(4)混和。

6. 混和後再倒回蛋白中,輕力拌勻。

7. 把一半的蛋糕糊倒進模具,再在上邊灑上步驟(1)的朱古力碎條

8. 倒入餘下的蛋糕糊。並在模具放在一個裝了熱水的盤內

9. 預熱160°C焗爐,焗60分鐘(實際時間按焗爐火力而定)。

10. 在焗了15分鐘時,在蛋糕面放上入爐黑朱古力粒。跟著繼續焗。

11. 焗完之後,先讓蛋糕留在焗爐中5分鐘,之後再拿出來,脫模,即成。  


1. Cut the sweet chocolate into thin strips, refrigerate and set aside.

2. Cook the vegetable oil to about 80-90 degrees.

3. Sift in all purpose flour and mix well, then sift in cocoa powder and corn flour and mix well.

4. Add egg yolk, fresh milk and mix well, set aside for later use.

5. Whip egg whites to Firm Peak, (Add Sugar from 3 times in Whipping) put one-third egg white with step (4).

6. After mixing, pour back into the egg whites mixture and mix lightly.

7. Pour half of the cake Paste into the mold, and sprinkle the chocolate chips from step (1) on top

8. Pour in the remaining cake paste. and place the mold in a pan filled with hot water

9. Preheat the oven at 160°C for 60 minutes (the actual time depends on the performance of the oven).

10. After baking for 15 minutes, put the black chocolate chips on the cake surface. And continue to bake.

11. After baking, let the cake stay in the oven for 5 minutes, then take it out, unmold, and serve.




