日本爆紅!提子 | 藍莓 | 戚風 | 三文治蛋糕 | 下午茶 宵夜 | 宅在家 | 輕鬆自製


(8 吋中空圓模 8” hollow round mold)

蛋 Egg  5隻/pcs

低筋麵粉 Cake Flour  120克/g

砂糖 Sugar  60克/g

鮮奶 Milk  75克/g

菜油 Vegan Oil  75克/g

雲呢拿香油 Vanilla Extract  1茶匙/tsp

甜忌廉 Sweet Cream  200克/g

砂糖 Sugar  30克/g

提子 Grape  適量/few

藍莓 Blueberry  適量/few


1. 把蛋黃、鮮奶、菜油、雲呢拿香油混合,攪拌均勻。

2. 篩入低筋麵粉,攪拌至看不見顆粒。

3. 打發蛋白,期間分三次加入砂糖,打發至乾性發泡。

4. 把三分一的步驟(3)與步驟(2)混合,跟著全數倒回步驟(3)中。

5. 翻拌均勻,並倒進模具中。

6. 預熱150°C焗爐,焗72分鐘。

7. 蛋糕出爐後倒扣,並完全放涼。

8. 脫模後把蛋糕切成8等份,並用刀照影片中把蛋糕切出一度缺口。

9. 打發甜忌廉,期間加入砂糖,打發至企身。

10. 把甜忌廉唧在蛋糕上,再加上提子與藍莓即成。


1. Mix egg yolk, fresh milk, vegan oil and vanilla extract.

2. Sift in the Cake flour and mix well.

3. Whip the egg whites, add sugar by three times during the period, and whip to Stiff peak.

4. Mix 1/3 of step (3) with step (2), then rewind the whole amount back to step (3).

5. Mix well and pour into the mold.

6. Preheat the oven at 150°C, and bake for 72 minutes.

7. After the cake is out of the oven, turn it upside down and let it cool completely.

8. After demolding, cut the cake into 8 equal parts, and make a cut on cake as shown in the video.

9. Whip the sweet cream, add in sugar, and whip until firm.

10. Piping the sweet cream on top of the cake, place grape and blueberries, serve. 




