麵包篇|德式奶油糕點 用酵母做的蛋糕Butterkuchen/ Zuckerkuchen Germa
今天會做一種德國甜品Blechkuchen,Blechkuchen 其實為一個總稱,kuchen指為蛋糕,Blech就是baking paper,Blechkuchen 便是「用烘焙紙烤焗的蛋糕」。
成品:1片(40*40cm 烤盤)
Product: 1 whole piece (40*40cm tray)
Difficulty: Beginner
所需時間:30分鐘小時制作 (休息時間3小時)
Cooking Time: 30 min making (18 hours resting)
材料 Ingredients:
400g 高筋麵粉 Bread Flour
60g 砂糖 Sugar
6g 食鹽 Fine Salt
16g 奶粉 milk powder
80g 牛油/奶油 butter
20g 清水(A) Water (A)
4g 快速乾酵母 Instant Yeast
80g 雞蛋 whole egg
150g 凍水 Cold Water
灑面 Topping
70g 牛油/奶油 butter
70g 杏仁片 Almond slide
70g 砂糖 Sugar
做法 Method:
1. 高筋麵粉,砂糖,食鹽,奶粉,雞蛋混合,再加入清水。
Mix flour, Sugar, Fine Salt, milk powder, and whole egg.
Then add the cold water in.
Mix with slow speed 4mins. Then turn to mid-seed.
*If the dough temperature exceeds 26'c, cool down in the fridge.
Mix the Instant Yeast and Water (A) and pour it into the dough below 26’C.
Mix with slow speed until all together. Then pour the butter in, and Mix at a slow speed. Mix until the “window test” appears.
2. 放在室溫15分鐘,再放入雪櫃(冰箱)發酵18小時。直至1倍大。
Ferment at room temperature 30mins, then keep in fridge for 18 hours.
Or ferment at room temperature Until doubled size.
3. 壓長,放入己搽上牛油的烤盤。
Roll it and put it on the baking tray brushed with butter.
Final Ferment at room temperature until doubled size.
4. 以手指在麵團上按出孔洞。擠上牛油,杏仁片和砂糖。
Press the hole in the dough with your finger.
Pipe the Butter, almond slide, and sugar on top.
Bake it for 15-20min at 190-210’C, until Brown colour.