秋冬滋味 家庭小菜|栗子炆雞|附英語食譜
家庭小菜|栗子炆雞 家常滋味小菜 (Eng Sub) Braised Chicken with Chestnuts
材料 Ingredients :
480g (半隻) 雞 chicken (half)
240g 栗子 (去殼及外衣) chestnut ( no shell and coat )
2 ea 粒 紅蔥頭 shallot
3 pc 薑片 sliced ginger
小量 鹽Salt
小量 生抽Soy sauce
小量 冰糖 cubic sugar
方法 method :
1. 先沖洗栗子。放入清水中,煮15-20分鐘,直至軟身。(栗子水留用)
Wash the chestnuts. Boil it for 15-20 minutes, until it is softened. (Keep the chestnut water)
2. 一隻雞切開一半,再沖洗。(另一半留用作為第二次菜式)
Chicken cut into half and wash. (The half part can be kept for another dish)
Remove the feet, guts and fat. Cut the chicken into pieces.
Marinate the chicken pieces with a small amount of salt and soy sauce for 15 minutes.
3. 紅蔥頭切片,薑切數片。
Prepare a large slice of ginger and shallots
4. 中火爆香料頭,加入雞件爆香,轉大火。
Fried the shallots and ginger with medium heat. Add chicken pieces. Turn to high heat
5. 雞件八成熟時,加入栗子及栗子水。再轉中火,炆大約10-15分鐘。
中間時段,加入冰糖。如汁水太多. 可開大火收汁。
Add chestnuts and the juice when the chicken is mature.
Turn to medium heat, and cook for about 15 to 20 minutes.
Add a small amount of rock sugar when cooking.
If the sauce is too much, you can turn to high heat for reduction.
完成 Finish