湯水篇|雙海底椰 鱷魚肉扒湯 清燥熱 滋陰養顏 止熱咳
雙海底椰 鱷魚肉扒湯 清燥熱 滋陰養顏 止熱咳
2 Seabed Coconut with Crocodile Meat Soup
功效 : 清燥熱、清肺火、止風熱咳嗽、止肺熱咳嗽、生津止渴、强身健體、潤肺、滋陰、滋潤、養顏。
Efficacy: clearing dryness and heat, promoting lung fire, stopping cough, strengthening the body, moistening the lungs and throat, producing body fluid and quenching thirst, moisturizing and beauty.
不宜人群: 糖尿病、脂肪肝、口乾舌燥、熬夜
Unsuitable people: Diabetes, fatty liver, dry mouth, staying up late
份量 Serving: 3人Ppl
烹調時間 Cooking time: 1小時30分 1 hr 30min
材料 Ingredients :
350g 鱷魚肉扒Crocodile meat
120g 泰國海底椰Thai seabed coconut
20g 乾海底椰片dried seabed coconut flakes
( 因會有澀味, 不用放多 )
Don't put too much because seabed coconut flakes have a slightly bitter
392g 豬𦟌骨 pork shank bone
1/3pc 陳皮 Tangerine
4 pc 薑片thick Ginger
3500ml 清水 water
1. 清洗鱷魚肉扒、豬𦟌骨、泰國海底椰、乾海底椰片。
Wash the crocodile steak, pork bones, Thai seabed coconut, and dried coconut flakes.
2. 先放2 片薑片在清水中。沸騰後,放鱷魚肉扒焯熱水。
Put 2 slices of ginger in clean water. Then put the crocodile meat in boiling water
3. 豬𦟌骨汆水
Pork shank bone blanching
4. 先放泰國海底椰、乾海底椰片、陳皮於3500ml清水中。
First, put Thai seabed coconut and dried seabed coconut flakes in clean water
5. 15分鐘後,放入豬𦟌骨,轉大火。
After 15 minutes, add pork bones and heat. Turn to high heat.
6. 20分鐘後,放入鱷魚肉扒,轉中火。
After 20 minutes of cooking from step 5, add the crocodile steak and turn to medium heat.
7. 30分鐘後,轉小火。
Reduce to low heat after 30 minutes of step 6.
8. 25分鐘後,關火。
Turn off the heat after 25 minutes of cooking from step 8.
Related video:
1. 湯水篇|非洲海底椰鵪鶉湯 潤肺化痰又止咳 (Eng Sub) - African Sea coconut (Coco de Mer) with Quail Soup
2. 湯水篇|螺頭海底椰湯 滋陰補腎 (Eng Sub) - Yellow Conch Sea coconut Soup Nourishes yin and kidney Family Soup
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