湯包篇|六珍菌湯包 配螺頭 豬骨湯
材料: Ingredients :
1 包 1 pack (60g)乾六珍菌湯包 Dried Six Treasure Mushroom
( 羊肚菌、赤松茸、白茶樹菇 、鹿茸菇、 藏花菇 、蛹蟲草 )
( Morel mushroom, red matsutake mushroom, white tea tree mushroom, deer antler mushroom, Tibetan Shiitake mushroom, Cordyceps militaris )
3 ea ( 330g )美國急凍螺頭US frozen Conch
256g 豬𦟌骨 pork shank bone
181g 豬𦟌肉 pork shank
2粒 Pc紅棗 Red Date
3 片 pc薑 sliced ginger
1/3角 pc 陳皮 tangerine
3500ml 清水Water
份量 Serving : 3 人 ppl
時間 Cooking Time : 1 小時30分鐘
做法 :
1. 先沖洗菇類,浸泡直至變軟。浸泡水留用。
Wash the Mushrooms, and soak them until they are soft. Keep the soaking water for later use.
Blanch the pork shank bone and Pork shank in boiling water. Wash in running water.
3. 薑片加入冷水。等沸騰,放入螺頭汆水。
Put the ginger slice into cold water and boil it.
Blanch the Conch into the boiling water. Wash it and remove the dirt on the skin.
Cut it into half and remove the innards.
4. 3500ml清水沸騰,放入汆水的豬𦟌骨、豬𦟌肉、去核紅棗、2塊薑片、陳皮,轉大火。
Boil the 3500ml water. Add the meat and bone, red date without seeds, 2 slices of ginger, and tangerine to the boiling water. Turn to high heat.
5. 煮20分鐘後,加入螺頭。
Cook for 20 minutes and put the Conch in the soup.
6. 再5分鐘後,加入各種菌菇及其浸泡水。
Cook for another 5 minutes and add all the Mushrooms and it soaking water in.
7. 10 分鐘後,轉中火。
Turn to med heat after 10 minutes after step 6.
8. 35分鐘,轉小火。
Turn to low heat after 35 minutes after step 7.
9. 15分鐘後,熄火。
Cook for 15 minutes more, then turn off the heat.
Keep the soup in the pot for 10 minutes before serving.