湯水篇|青紅蘿蔔 栗米 豬蹄筋 豬骨湯 滋潤皮膚|附示範影片


功效 : 補中氣、健腸胃、健脾除疳、安五臟、益肝、滋潤皮膚。

Efficacy: Replenish the qi, strengthen the stomach and intestines, strengthen the spleen and remove chancre, relieve the five organs, improve anaemia, benefit the liver, and moisturize the skin.


懷孕者前4 個月不宜飲用


Note: Not suitable for the first 4 months of pregnancy

Too much carotene will accumulate in the body, and the hands, feet and face will turn yellow.

People with a cold body should not drink too much

份量Serving: 3 人PPL

烹調時間cooking time: 1小時30分鐘 1 hr 30min

材料 Ingredients :

395g 青蘿蔔Green Carrot



352g豬𦟌骨 pork shank bone

7條137g豬蹄筋 (番煲) Pig's trotter tendon ( reuse )

1/3片(pc) 陳皮tangerine

2 片(pc) 薑片 sliced ginger

3500 ml 清水 water

方法: method

1.     青蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、粟米去外衣,沖洗。

Remove the Corn outer layer and wash.

Peel the green and red carrot and wash it.

2.     豬𦟌骨汆水,再沖洗

Blanch the Pork shank bone in boiling water until the dirt is out. Then wash.

3.     先放豬蹄筋、陳皮、薑片於350ml清水中,轉大火。

First put the pig's trotter tendons, tangerine peel and ginger slices in 3500ml water.

Turn to high heat.

4.     10分鐘後,放入豬𦟌骨。

Put the pork shank bones in the soup after 10 minutes of cooking.

5.     5分鐘後,放入青蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、粟米,轉中火。

Add the green and red carrot and corn to the soup after 5 minutes of cooking from step 4. And turn to medium heat.

6.     20分鐘後,轉中小火。

Reduce to med-low heat after 20 minutes of cooking from step 5.

7.     再煮55分鐘後,關火。

Turn off the heat after 55 minutes of cooking from step 6.



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#藥材湯 #Chinese_herbal_Soup #青紅蘿蔔 #青蘿蔔 #補中氣 #豬蹄筋 #健腸胃 #滋潤皮膚
