湯水篇|鷓鴣 羊肚菌 雪耳 腰果 豬骨湯 咳後調理化痰
份量 Serving:: 3 – 4 人
烹調時間 Cooking time : 2小時 hr
健脾潤肺 補腎 滋肝 鼻乾 喉涸 咳後調理 化痰
Strengthen the spleen and lungs, nourish the kidneys, nourish the liver, dry nose, dry throat, regulate and dissolve phlegm after coughing
不宜以下人士 : 感冒期、痰濕重、腹瀉
Not suitable for the following people: cold period, heavy phlegm and dampness, diarrhea
份量 Serving:: 3 – 4 人
烹調時間 Cooking time : 2小時 hr
6 g 羊肚菌Morels mushroom
1隻ea 340g 鷓鴣 Francolin (Partridge )
12g 大雪耳 Snow fungus
15g 漳州雪耳 Zhangzhou snow fungus
3隻ea 冬菇 Shiitake
35g 腰果 cashew
343g 豬𦟌骨 Pork shank bone
3片 ea 薑片 Ginger Slices
1/3角pc 陳皮 Tangerine peel
4200ml 清水 Water
1. 先沖洗羊肚菌、雪耳、腰果、豬𦟌骨、鷓鴣。
Wash the Morels mushroom, Snow fungus, cashew, Pork shank bone and Partridge.
2. 清水浸羊肚茵、冬菇、雪耳約一小時。
Soak the Morels mushroom, Shiitake, and snow fungus for about 1 hour.
Cut the Morels mushroom to clean its inside deeply.
Remove the snow fungus hard bottom part.
3. 豬𦟌骨汆水,再沖洗。
Blanch the Pork shank bone. Then wash again.
4. 加薑片在清水中至沸騰 。
Boil water and ginger slices together.
Blanch the Partridge in boiling water, until the dirt comes out.
Then wash again.
Remove any dirty blood and fat.
5. 4200ml清水中,加入腰果、雪耳、冬菇、陳皮、薑,轉大火。
Put the shiitake, mushrooms and cashew, snow fungus, Tangerine peel, and Ginger slices in 4200ml water.
Then to high heat.
6. 煮10分鐘後,加入汆水的豬𦟌骨、羊肚菌,轉中大火。
Add the blanched pork bone and Morels mushroom in the soup after 10 min boiling.
Then turn to med heat.
7. 再煮5分鐘後,加入鷓鴣。
Add the Partridge after 5 minutes of cooking from step 6.
8. 煮80分鐘後,轉小火。
Cook 80 min more. Turn to low heat.
9. 20分鐘後,關火。
Cook 20 min again. Fire off.
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#甘氏鷓鴣 #越飛龍 #無激素鷓鴣 #羊肚菌 #鷓鴣 #健脾潤肺 #咳後調理 #化痰