湯水篇|蘋果合掌瓜 雪耳 粟米 腰果 素湯|清燥熱 清心火|有片
潤肺潤喉清燥熱 清心火 增強體質 健脾
Moistens the lungs and throat clears the heat of dryness, clears the heat in the heart, strengthens the physique, and strengthens the spleen
份量Serving : 3 人PPL
烹調時間 cooking time : 1小時15分 1 hr 15 min
成份ingredients :
2 個ea ( 510g ) 蘋果 apples
1 個ea( 213g ) 合掌瓜chayote
1/2 ea ( 181g ) 雪耳dried snow fungus
36g 腰果cashew
1 個ea (330g ) 粟米corn
3 g 椰片Coconut flakes
3 粒ea ( 26g ) 杜拜椰棗Dubai Date palm
1/3片pc 陳皮tangerine peel
2500 ml 清水 water
方法 method :
1. 沖洗雪耳,浸泡至變軟。
Wash the snow fungus. Soak until it becomes soft.
Remove the hard part.
2. 清洗腰果、椰片、合掌瓜、椰棗、粟米。
Wash cashew and coconut flakes, chayote, corn and dates palm.
Cut the corn into pieces.
Cut the chayote into 4 pieces and remove the seeds.
3. 用鹽擦洗蘋果外皮。
Wash the apples with salt.
Cut it in half and remove the corn.
4. 先放腰果、椰片、杜拜、椰棗、陳皮至2500ML清水中,轉大火。
Put cashew nuts, coconut chips, dates palm, and tangerine peel in 2500ml water.
Turn to high heat.
5. 7分鐘後後,加入雪耳、合掌瓜,轉中火。
Cook for 7 minutes. Add the snow fungus and chayote.
Turn to medium heat.
6. 再煮10分鐘後,加入蘋果。
Cook for 10 more minutes. Add the apples to the soup.
7. 煮50分鐘後,關火。
Turn off the heat after another 50 minutes of cooking.
# Small_House_Cooking #蝸煮 #recipes #食譜 #菜譜 #阿媽湯水 #保健食譜 #保健湯食譜 #湯水食譜 #中湯食譜 #mumsoup #chinese_soup #蘋果素湯 #合掌瓜素湯 #雪耳素湯 #素湯 #清燥熱 #清心火