DSE英文科2025|卷二Writing3大熱門文體格式Letter to the Editor/ Report/Speech (附萬用句式)
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DSE文憑試英文科卷二寫作,一向令不少學生都感到苦惱。根據考評局的英文評核大綱,英文卷二佔整體科目總分28%,而試卷又分為Part A及B兩部分,思源教育創辦人兼英文補習名師Spencer Lam,分享DSE英文卷二的審題重點及熱門格式,助考生做好準備,短時間內提升水平。
DSE英文卷二Writing,考試時間為120分鐘,考生需要撰寫Part A的短實用文寫作及Part B的選題寫作兩部分,兩部分佔分比重為2:3,Part B佔分較高。Part A的實用文寫作,考生需要寫一篇200字的短文,內容包括郵件、書信、演講辭等實用文體,考驗考生語文能力、內容及組織能力。
至於Part B則要求考生在所提供的題目中選擇一個主題,撰寫一篇400字的文章,格式較Part A更廣泛。Spencer指出,由去年DSE起,PartB的題目由8條減至4條,且不再分elective modules,而去年首年實行,試題明顯較簡單,「去年試了水溫,今年有機會會深一點,同學仔要多加注意。」
有些學生看了DSE英文Paper 2作文題目後,未及細想就開始下筆,但若沒有好好審視題目,很容易失分,甚至離題,Spencer提醒,在審題時要注意5個重點:
- 議題:留意議題是關於甚麼,例如是運動、工作、社會問題,還是現代文化?
- 你的角色及讀者對象:例如你是學生會主席,需要寫信給校長;又或你是僱員,要寫建議書給老闆等
- 文章性質、格式及體裁:文章是向對方提出要求,還是請求?格式是信件、報告還是演講辭?體裁是議論文,還是說明文?
- 時間點及場合:是現在、過去還是未來?不同場合,如開放日、會議等,都要用不同文字表達
- 考問要點:考題有機會要求撰寫你對某事的看法、優缺點、建議等
Spencer亦分享以下3個熱門格式的架構和必背句子,包括Letter to the Eidtor(給編輯的信)、Report(報告)及Speech(演講)。
1. Letter to the Editor
Letter to the Editor是正式的文體,要求考生明確及簡源地表達觀點,可以分為6個部分:
i) 稱謂語:Dear Editor,
ii) 引入開首:簡要地說明寫信的目的,視乎題目要求表明立場,並寫出要探討的議題。
- I am writing to express my deepest concern about…
- I am writing to express my views concerning…
- In this correspondence, several reasons leading to this phenomenon would be thoroughly explained.
iii) 正文:可以分兩至三段陳述具體的問題、敘述自己的論點,提供理由或證據。
I would like to address the issue of…
- It has long been acknowledged that…
- According to a recent study conducted by XXX, the numbers indicate a concerning trend in…
iv) 駁論:視乎情況,不一定需要
Some people may rightly argue that… However…
- Critics put forth the idea that… However, I am certain that this is not the case.
v) 總結:總結自己的看法及觀點,並提出建議。
Taking all aspects into account, it is my firm conviction that…
- It is imperative that we address this issue promptly to ensure…
- Yours faithfully,
- [Your Full Name]
- [Your Contact Information]
延伸閱讀:DSE英文科2025|補習名師雞精筆記 拆解卷一Reading5大題型 幫你輕鬆升Lv
2. Report
i) 報告標題:只需簡易一句說明主題即可,切忌花巧
- Report on XXX
- An Investigation into XXX
- An Analysis of XXX
ii) 引言:為讀者提供報告主題的背景,簡單定義研究主題,確定研究目的和問題,並概述報告的結構
- This report concerns an experiment that was carried out…
- For the purpose of this report, “XXX” is defined as…
- The aim of this study is to investigate…
iii) 小標題:這是用來區分每一段的重點,使用具代表性的關鍵詞作小標題,且要保持結構性一致,使用相同的文法結構或詞彙形式。
- Background
- Targets / Objectives
- Problems / Issues
- Suggestions / Recommendations / Solutions
iv) 內文:從不同角度描述某些東西的影響,如社會、經濟、環境等,提供具體例子、數據或研究結果,之後分析原因及提出建議,留意這些建議應該具體可行,並有實際意義。
- This fact illustrates / indicates that…
- With a view to…/ In hopes of…/ For the purpose of…
- It is crystal clear that…
v) 總結:總結報告的核心內容及主要發現,並延伸對這個話題的願景及預測。
- On the whole, …
- The main conclusion that can be drawn is that, ….
- On the basis of the survey findings mentioned above, it would seem that…
3. Speech
i) 打招呼:視乎有甚麼人,並且需要跟聽眾的輩分
- Good afternoon, principal, teachers, parents and schoolmates.
ii) 自我介紹及演講目的
- I am XXX, the president of the Students’ Union.
- On behalf of the XXX, I am going to introduce…
- I would like to take this opportunity to share with you…
iii) 演講內文:視乎主題,寫出自己的觀點,每個觀點用一個段落,可以利用具體事例、統計數據或引用專家意見來拓展論點,最後提出結論,要留意與觀眾的互動
- One point that may pique your interest is that…
- Picture this scene: [situation]. Sounds relatable, right?
- Have you ever heard of xxx? Great, I can see many of you are nodding your head!
iv) 演講結尾:總結觀點,並讓聽眾對主題留下深刻印象,並多謝大會邀請、多謝觀眾耐心聆聽等
- Thank you for listening!
- Thank you for your attention!