"National Security Law" is an important milestone in the "One Country, Two Systems" framework. To enhance the general awareness of national security and cultivate a sense of national identity, the "Securing Hong Kong's Future: National Security" dedicated website aims to share information about "National Security Law" simply and understandably, allowing the public to have a better understanding of its significance for Hong Kong.

Needs to Know NS

Bringing you the latest updates on the closely related "National Security Law".

NSL – the Cornerstone of Prosperity and Stability

Delve into a comprehensive understanding of the "National Security Law", accompanied by an engaging quiz with prizes. Don't miss out!

FUN Fact in NS

From the basics to the depths, we present the national security concept in an accessible manner for better comprehension.

NS Says!

Through different cases, we explore the national security from multiple perspectives.

NS Aspect

Gain insights into the "Holistic View of National Security" covering twenty key areas to further comprehend the implications of national security.