【烹飪】有片|輕鬆自製 北海道戚風蛋糕|芒果忌廉流心餡


不出一日 家人已將它消滅😋😋


蛋糕部份 Cake

蛋 Egg  4隻/pcs

低筋麵粉 Cake Flour  75克/g

砂糖 Sugar  15 + 40克/g

鮮奶 Milk  40克/g

菜油 Vegan Oil  30克/g

忌廉部份 Cream

芒果蓉 Mango Puree  100克/g

淡忌廉 Whipping Cream  150克/g

糖 Sugar  20克/g

煉奶 Condensed Milk  10克/g

裝飾部份 Toping

甜忌廉 Sweet Cream  150克/g

砂糖 Sugar  30克/g

芒果 Mango  適量/few


1. 先將蛋黃與蛋白分離,把蛋黃、鮮奶、砂糖、菜油攪拌均勻。

2. 篩入低筋麵粉,翻拌均勻。

3. 打發蛋白,期間將40克砂糖分三次加入,打發至乾性發泡。

4. 將三分一的步驟(3)與步驟(2)混合。

5. 把步驟(4)倒回餘下的步驟(3)中,翻拌均勻。

6. 預熱150°C焗爐,焗45分鐘(實際時間按焗爐火力而定)。

7. 取出蛋糕放涼。備用。

8. 打發淡忌廉,並加入糖、煉奶、芒果蓉。

9. 把步驟(8)分多次注入放涼了的蛋糕內。簡單版本在此已完成。

10. 打發甜忌廉,期間將30克砂糖分三次加入,打發至企身。

11. 把甜忌廉如影片般塗於蛋糕上,再加上裝飾和芒果即成。


1. Separate the egg yolks and whites first, and stir the egg yolks, fresh milk, sugar and vegan oil evenly.

2. Sift in the Cake flour and mix well.

3. Whip egg whites, add 40 grams of sugar in three portions, until Stiff peak.

4. Mix one third of step (3) with step (2).

5. Pour step (4) back into the remaining steps (3) and mix well.

6. Preheat the oven at 150°C and bake for 45 minutes (the actual time depends on the performance of the oven).

7. Take out the cake and let it cool. Set aside.

8. Whip the whipping cream, add sugar, condensed milk and mango puree.

9. Inject step (8) into the cooled cake several times. The simple version is done here.

10. Whip the sweet cream, add 30 grams of sugar in three times, until stiff peak.

11. Spread the sweet cream on the cake as shown in the video, add decorations and mango and serve.




